Returning back to the Christian eventsas told by our Islamic religion scholars; it was reported that after crucifyingthe semi- Jesus, the Jews had beaten, imprisoned, and killed the apostles. Thenews spread to the king of Rome in Damaskus ,so he took them revenge from theJews ,and glorified the stem to which Jesus-like was crucified .From that timeto nowadays, Christians glorify the Cross. Christianity then was turned fromthe Jews to the Romans. A more detailed explanation was offered by tow Islamic pastors’sheikh Ibn Taima and shikh Ibn Alkaim” Allah sent his servant, his messengerand his word, The Messiah (Jesus), bestowed him with followers (apostles) whosupported and called for his doctrine. Widely spread the doctrine gains successafter three hundred years, and many kings converted too. However, years later,Christianity became full of false charges and erroneous delusions till nothingwas left of true Christianity. Moreover they formed a mid-Christian andmid-pagan religion. They shifted from worshipping statutes to worshipingphotos, from praying to the son to praying to the east side. They changed theold ancient philosophy to the belief in the union of the Father, Son, and theHoly Spirit. They did kept the baptism; bathing after sex, the holy Sunday,pigs meat, and all that was prohibited in Torah. It took not much time to getworse. They deemed lawful pig’s meat and the Holy Saturday became the HolySunday. They left baptism and bathing after sex and changed the direction ofprayer (kibla) from Jerusalem to the east by sun side .They worshiped the Crosswhen the queen” Helena” (the mother of the king of Costantine) did so. Even thefasting schedule changed to autumn.
Tidinessand cleanness was no longer a have to do before worshiping as Jesus Christ usedto do.Many sects had been formed as long as distortions and erroneous beliefs spread.It had reached eighty sects by the time of Ibn Alkai(eighth century AH).Theydeviated to many other sects. They differed, argued, and cursed each other.Therefore the archbishop and patriarch of Constantine gathered all thepatriarchs(worldwide) ,about 318 and said to them”You are nowadays the honoredChristian pastors,so let you have an agreement to which we all have pledgeto.No one can betray it and if he does, he will be cursed and denied fortune”After a very long discussion they too the pledge.This was set in Nickia in the15th year of Constantine’sruling.The head of the debutee, the patriarch” Alexandros” was given the pledgeto which every Christian should confess .No oblation would be accepted if theywould have not done so.Here is the full text transcribed by Sheikh Ibn Alkaimfrom his book(Row of Jewels) “we believe in the one God,The Father, the Worlds king ,The Creator of what he sees and don’tsee.And we believe in the One Lord,the son of God ( there is a differencebetween God and Lord), the first born of all creatures and still not created. Atrue lord from a true Godwho perfectly created everything.O people; He camedown from heaven to save us in the form of a Holy Spirit. A human on earth,Mary got pregnant of his son. Then He was crucified, killed and laid down inpeace to lift up to God in the end of the third day.He is ready to come one dayto judge the dead and the alive. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit ofthe truth who came out of his father, spirit of love,one baptism forforgiveness,and one saints group.We believe in the resurrection of our bodiesthat will grant us eternal life” This pledge is the essence of the doctrinecomposed by Shamaoun as mentioned by pastor Abdulah Ibn Abdulah which I transcribed from his book.This indicates thecorrespondence between these references. That is to say Sais Ibn Patriarch (Patriarchof Alexandria) is from Egypt,Abdulah Ibn Abdulah is from spain,and i am fromsahara , but we all talk about the same subject. Another assembly was gatheredin Jerusalem to which many Christians attended.And in Costantinople,about 150patriarchs met to decide on the following “The Holy Spirit is the creator ,notcreated,true god,The Father and the Son are a sole unit.”They added to thefirst pledge following :”we believe in the Holy Spirit the God who gives lifeand takes it,the One who came out of the Father ,and he is united in trinitywith the Father and the Son.He is alive and glorified “.Unlike in the first pledge where in theysay “we believe in the One Holy Spirit”.The priests in these meetings separated ,differed ,and cursed theirbishops and patriarchs. Another assembly was gathered headed by” Nostoross” thepatriarch of Constantinople and many Christians followed his doctrine. Theybelieve that Jesus ,the God is not like any other child born.There is a unionbetween the God who is born from the Father and the other who is the human whois born from Mary.There is no biological fatherhood of the Father God to hisSon.It is only a gift of honor and an endowment .Patriarchs all over thecountry had heard about the news of Nostoross’s new doctrine.So they met inanother assembly and declared the later heresy and rectified it. They set theirdoctrine which says that Mary gave birth to the Lord called Jesus, a two- naturedhuman.The series of fight and dispute did not end,because this new doctrine hadnot put up with the doctrine of the patriarch of Antakia.He set a fight againstthe patriarch (Nostoros),but a reconciliation between them was set by the King.At the end ,they wrote a book of agreement in which they declare that Marygave birth to a lord ,Jesus Christ , the Lord ,is with God in divinity and withpeople in humanity.This did not last for much time ,when a Monk in Costantinople”Otiuos” called for a fifth meeting with the attribution of the patriarch ofAlexandria to decide on the following:Jesus’s body does not live with us on humanity.Before incarnation he was composed of two units and after that he became a soleunit..People specialy in Egypt followed “Otiuos’s doctrine. However, yearslater they separated, cursed, and declared it heresy .Then it was in theirsecond compound which was attended by six hundred and thirty bishops,that theydecided that Jesus is both a God and a human being. He is with God in divinityand with us in humanity, perfect in both divinity and humanity.
He isthe one Holy Jesus.So they proved right the first pledge: the Holy Spirit is a God;it constitutes a sole unity with the Father, all in a trinity. Also, they tookin consideration the 3rdpledge. That Mary gave birth to JesusChrist who is with God in divinity and with humans in humanity. A slangingmatch between them and Nostross and appeared the declaration of the seventhassembly in opposition to the sixth one. It was set by the King of Alexandria (Antesstass). His army shed much blood and many bishops,patriarchs ,and monks were killed. They had another assembly in Constantinopleattended by many local patriarchs and bishops ,in which they cursed those who precededthem who believe in cloning ,no doomsday and no resurrection. Those who believethat Jesus’ body is only a fathom .They falsified this doctrine and put backthe pledge of the first assembly. That Jesus is of a real human body nature.Heis a perfect God and perfect man with two natures, two fates ,and two deeds .Thatlife is transient , resurrection is doomed
AndMessiah (Jesus) is coming with a Great glory.He will judge the alive and thedead”. Almost the same as the first pledge.In the reign of Muawia IbnSufiane,Headedby the patriarchs of Antakia and Constantinople in which therewas much ins and outs and mutual slanging.However they decided on the following:” we believe that Jesus Christ is the only one son of God and his eternalword( speech).He is of equal status with the lord. God in essence .That isJesus Christ has two natures, two works, and two fates all united in oneperson,one face. Perfectboth in his divinity and humanity. We believe that God the Son had settled inMary’s body as reasoning and speaking human spirit. Done by God’s blessing onhis people. He did not live in social and moral corruption like others. A soleunity that does what humans do in humanity and what gods do in divinity..He isthe only son, the embodied eternal word which was incarnated into human fleshand blood as was told in the Holy Bible. God’s word Jesus is composed of two works(missions),two fates ,and two natures; divine and human. In this duality, thereis no place for difference, separation or struggle.The two of them worktogether in harmony and union.”.This is the ninth pledge of the ninth assemblyin which there was,as usual , rejection and falsification of the previous onesand mutual slanging . Sheikh Ibnal-Qayyim said, quoting his mentor Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: These are themost famous assemblies which were attended by more than14000 patriarchs and priests,who kept cursing each other,uttering erroneous allegations and remained inchaos.In The Name of the Most Merciful :” Say: "O people of the Book! Exceed not in yourreligion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, norfollow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by―who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even Way”.
If you askmembers of one family about their belief there would be multiple responses.Sheikh Ibn Alkaim noticed the two major faults made by Christians reasonablyunacceptable:
_They put thecreated human in an exaggerated (amplificated) and equal status with Allah (God).Moreover,they declared Jesus Christ God along with Allah.Totally rejecting the truththat Jesus is no more than God’s servant.
_They minimized the Greatest Allah’s Status andcursed him when saying that:”God came down from his throneand enters a woman’spenus and stayed there 9 months swinging in between blood and veins ,and suffered a lot in this body.Then he came out a babyboy,sucking his mother’sbreasts,He then grew up ,crying, getting hungry and thirsty, evacuating , andcarried in hands and on necks.Jews slapped ,chained and crucified him.Then puton his head a crown of thorn .This was,but an unacceptable defame of Allah,that has no precedent. In sourat Maryam(90)God said” At it the skiesare ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall downin utter ruin.. This erroneous allegations are the result of acorrupt and abusive doctrine: They heldout falsely that messengers ( fromAdam to Jesus) spirits were in heavens, imprisoned by Ibliss(the devil) .Theywere punished and put in hellfire because of Adam’s first sin .Wheneversomebody dies ,Ibliss puts himin hell to pay back his father’s sin.Therefore,Allah(God) made a trick for Ibliss and Rescued them.He came down from histhrone,entered Mary’s womb.Then he was born, grew up as a perfect man to save his messengers from paying back theirfather’s sin by letting Jews avenge for themselves and crucifying him . ” but they killedhim not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear” quran ;ch.4: the women ”
Surely thisis not true,but complete heresy.T he only One Preemptor in the Day of Judgmentis the Holy Prophet Muhamed(peace and mercy be upon him).Their delusions are dubioustricks They madea dubious trick to convert people to Christianity .That is whoever human beingwho doubts or denies Jesus salvation would be locked in prison till he admitsit.God,according to them,was not fair when repenting Adams sin at the expenseof his messengers ,prophets ,and hisbeloved ones.Omar IbnAlkhattab declaredthat this was an allegation that had no precedent ever . Righteous pastors inislam said that Jihad against these Christians leading people to astray, reasonably is a duty in islam.I wonderif Ibn Taima ,Ibn Alkaim, Ibn Hazm ,andIbn Kutheir lived in this time and witnessed what did George Bush, the jerk ,his maidservant ,and their army do to Quran and the Islamic sanctities in theprisons of Afganistan,Cuba,and Irak.I wonder what will they(pastors of islam)do to resist what had the Christians permitted, like homosexuality.It hasreached the point thet the European Union imposed on Turkey to give up theIslamic doctrine(Sharia) and to allow and to allow the above atrocities.
Christianity had reached the havoc ofdelusion and deception.
· They took the sunrise as the direction ofprayer unlike their prophet Jesus(Issa) who used to pray to Jerusalem as usedto do previous messengers. Muhamed ,the prophet,peace and blessing be uponhim,used to pray to Jerusalem, when he was living in Mekka and after hismigration of about 18 months. Then Allah ordered him trend to the mid of theHoly Sacred Mosque,where Abraham used to do prayers.
· They made heresy by glorifying thecrucifix(cross) and triangulation,a long time after Jesus Christ the Cross wasnot mentioned in the Bible at all.In the Torah, it was declared that he who wasattached to the Cross would be cursed.Christian even went further thanattachment ,they worshiped the Cross.
· They made fasting for apostles , fasting forMary ,fasting for Mary Gergess ,fasting for Christmas and fasting for the kingHercules.They added a week to the Lent( they fast to repent Hercules for beingnot faithful to the testament with the Jews and killing them).They changed thefasting to autumn and added 10 days.However,their fasting is stillincomparable with Ramadan ,the HolyFasting Months in islam” O you who believe! Fasting isprescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may (learn)self-restraint.”(sourat Albakara-183).Fasting in islam is anobligation(faritha), no mater how long the day is how cold ,hot…….
· They lied to Jesus when they say that Jesus after getting crucified ,he had been entombedfor three days and then he came out a divine god.However there is no one christain who denies thisfalsehood.Sarcastically, Ibn Alkaim was wondering ,how was the world and theheavens at that time? And who was managing them? If there is someone who wasdoing so then who was he? O cockiness what grave that would contain HisAlmighty,The God of the earth and heavens ?
Ibn Alkaim addressed them these verses:
O servants of Jesus we have an inquiry foryou!!?
Could the earth and heavens stay withoutGod?
Did the seven skies remain void?
And did Jesus return alive?
And vainly I ask how would His Almighty belocked in a grave?
What allusions did they proclaim to Allah?
From a wise man we want a reply.
He was killed then how could he be God?
The Hearer Who to his servants responds?
How would His Greatness be entombed undersoil?
Or besides,does the Resuscitator have alord?
Elated as I am,how could they say that lordwas carried in a womb?
All will be inquired about the lies theyproclaim to God.
All will be inquired about the lies theyproclaim to God.
A more comprehensive details aboutthe Christianity’s history, I borrowed from MERTON PERCY’s book(TheBible)” Teabingcleared his throat and declared, "The Bible did not arrive by fax fromheaven. "The Bible is a product of man, my dear. Not of God. TheBible did not fall magically from the clouds. Man created it as a historicalrecord of tumultuous times, and it has evolved through countless translations,additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of thebook. Jesus Christ was a historical figure ofstaggering influence, perhaps the most enigmatic and inspirational leader theworld has ever seen. As the prophesied Messiah, Jesus toppled kings, inspiredmillions, and founded new philosophies. As a descendant of the lines of KingSolomon and King David, Jesus possessed a rightful claim to the throne of theKing of the Jews. Understandably, His life was recorded by thousands offollowers across the land." Teabing paused to sip his tea and then placedthe cup back on the mantel. "More than eighty gospels were considered forthe New Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion -Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John among them. The fundamental irony of Christianity!The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman emperorConstantine the Great. "He was a lifelong pagan who was baptized on hisdeathbed, too weak to protest. In Constantine's day, Rome's official religionwas sun worship - the cult of Sol Invictus, or the Invincible Sun - andConstantine was its head priest. Unfortunately for him, a growing religiousturmoil was gripping Rome. Three centuries after the crucifixion of JesusChrist, Christ's followers had multiplied exponentially. Christians and pagansbegan warring, and the conflict grew to such proportions that it threatened torend Rome in two. Constantine decided something had to be done. In 325 A.D., hedecided to unify Rome under a single religion. Christianity By fusing pagan symbols, dates, andrituals into the growing Christian tradition, he created a kind of hybridreligion that was acceptable to both parties. Transmogrification," Langdonsaid. "The vestiges of pagan religion in Christian symbology are undeniable.Egyptian sun disks became the halos of Catholic saints. Pictograms of Isisnursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint for ourmodern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus. And virtually all theelements of the Catholic ritual - the miter, the altar, the doxology, andcommunion, the act of "God-eating" - were taken directly from earlierpagan mystery religions Nothingin Christianity is original. The pre-Christian God Mithras - called the Son ofGod and the Light of the World - was born on December 25, died was buried in arock tomb, and then resurrected in three days. By the way, December 25 is alsothe birthday or Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus. The newborn Krishna was presentedwith gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Even Christianity's weekly holy day wasstolen from the pagans
"Transmogrification,"Langdon said. "The vestiges of pagan religion in Christian symbology areundeniable. Egyptian sun disks became the halos of Catholic saints. Pictogramsof Isis nursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint forour modern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus. And virtually all theelements of the Catholic ritual - the miter, the altar, the doxology, andcommunion, the act of "God-eating" - were taken directly from earlierpagan mystery religions. Nothing in Christianity is original. The pre-ChristianGod Mithras - called the Son of God and the Light of the World - was born onDecember 25, died was buried in a rock tomb, and then resurrected in threedays. By the way, December 25 is also the birthday or Osiris, Adonis, andDionysus. The newborn Krishna was presented with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.Even Christianity's weekly holy day was stolen from the pagans."Originally," Langdon said, "Christianity honored the JewishSabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan'sveneration day of the sun. To this day, most churchgoers attend services onSunday morning with no idea that they are there on account of the pagan sungod's weekly tribute - Sunday. Indeed," Teabing said. Stay with me. Duringthis fusion of religions, Constantine needed to strengthen the new Christiantradition, and held a famous ecumenical gathering known as the Council ofNicaea. many aspects of Christianity were debated and voted upon - the date ofEaster, the role of the bishops, the administration of sacraments, and, ofcourse, the divinity of Jesus. until that moment in history, Jesus was viewedby His followers as a mortal prophet . . . a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A mortal. Jesus' establishment as 'the Son of God' was officially proposedand voted on by the Council of Nicaea. Jesus was indeed a great and powerfulman. Constantine's underhanded political maneuvers don't diminish the majestyof Christ's life.”
Jesus was purifiedfrom the Christian allegations and delusions,25 times in The Quran. The atrocities implicated by the Christians churches arecrimes against the Almighty Creator and aginst all human beings . The worst deviation,ever made by Christians is the deification of Jesus about three hundred yearsAC . hundreds of Christian churches burned all the reference texts that talkabout the human nature of God's prophet Jesus son of Mary . Fortunately, somecensored Bibles from were kept. In 1945,Haj Hammadi found the manuscript «theCoptic scrolls” . In 1947 , the Dead Sea Scrolls was discovered in the cave" “Qumran "in Sinai desert .Their main subject is the human nature toGod's prophet Jesus . The Vatican usedhis power all over the world to conceal the Truth contained in those Bibles andcensored them. On the other hand, Quran has made it crystal clear the wholestory about Jesus, and we (Muslims) admit his human nature and that he is butGod’s servant. And God warned us a lot about these lies and delusions.
" In bref, theywere extremely manipulated by Ibliss the damned devil. He invited them and theyjoined him.
_Hemanipulated their belief on his deity, the Most Merciful,The Greatest.
_Hemanipulated them about Jesus (Messiah) peace be upon him.
_Hemanipulated them about the crucifix and made them worship it.
_ He made them paint and worship picturesand worship them .For in every church, there must be a picture of Mary andJesus.
_Theywere so juggled to set festivals according to their own will. Alexandreous, thepatriarch of Alexandria , set them the day of “Michael” instead of the festivalof Saturn which the Queen Kleopatra used to celebrate. So that he removed themfrom a kind of polytheism to another. They are the ones who set cross’s day aswell. It was declared by Said ,the sonof Alexandria’s patriarch in his book “Christian History” ,that a three hundred and eighty years-period isbetween Jesus ‘s birth and the cross’s appearance.
_ He manipulated them about the prayersthey bid to God without being purified, clean. The Christian pastors, priests,monks and bishops did make erroneous falsehood to which Allah addressed theseverses in Quran (Maryam_90/95)
_Ihonestly and sincerely address to all Christians, to free themselves from theirbishops and priests delusions and I advise them to convert to Islam. They haveto reject polytheism and the falsehood by which all the Coptic, the orthodoxychurches (both eastern and western churches).It is for their own sake, thatthey should say:” I believe that there is no God but Allah and his messengerMuhamed, peace and mercy be upon him”. They have to purify Jesus, the prophet,from deification and apotheosis and consider him as God’s servant and a word.No one but Allah, the most merciful who guided us to Islam. In the Name of TheMost Merciful”. You (Christians) have to know that charitable work (helping andbeing kind the poor, saving those in need, taking care of the disabled, andcuring the sick persons……..)is not enough to grant you the license to enterparadise. The latter can only be reached when these deeds combine with thebelief there is no god but Allah, the Only One God, who did not beget and wasnot begotten. And the belief in his Holy Books, his angels, his messengers, thedoomsday, and in fate both its best and evil moments. Faith alone cannot beuseful and does not deservedly yield to paradise. That is faith and righteousdeeds are correlative and interrelated. The most Merciful, His Almighty, said:” Say: "Shall we tell you of those wholose most in respect of their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted inthis life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works? Theyare those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meetHim (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We on the Day ofJudgment, give them any Weight. That is their reward, Hell; because theyrejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest.”
Briefly, I summarize the erroneous allegationspropagated by eastern and western churches in the epoch. Nowadays, the currentgospels arouse many contradictions ,perturbation, and scandals among Christianexperts. This was admitted by the pastors(experts,scholars)of western churches.The general public of Christians is only allowed chosen paragraphs(verses)fromthe gospels. They cannot have access to all gospels’ content, for these bookshad been distorted and argued about according to the aims of the EuropeanExpansionary Policy all over the world. Researchers studying The Holy Booksemphasized that the gospels must not be taken seriously because they are all distorted.Neither Mathieu nor John talked about Jesus Christ’s lift up to the sky(heavens). However Luck held that the lift up will happen in the day ofresurrection .Meanwhile, Mark had a small note in his book (The Acts ofApostles) which was revealed not written by Mark. Instead, it was added later.Therefore, in order to make a general agreement a well known churchman (priestRoguet) suggested in his book ( The Evangelic Initiation/1973), that suchissues cannot be understood only when all the religious concepts are put out.Then the real facts should be taken literally as they are. He admitted that.Then the real facts should be taken literally as they are. Priest” Roguet”admitted that there is many lift-up cases which have not been grasped tillnowadays. Another researcher affirmed that the focus on the changes and theaddition done in the original gospels should not make us perturbated (surprised)about their contradictions and lack of agreement on key issues concerning theessence of the Christian doctrine. He adds that these different bibles were notsent by God (Allah) like Quran. “Kanengeisser”,a professor in The High CatholicInstitute in Paris assured in his book(Faith in Resurrection) that eventsnarrated about Jesus in the gospels should not be taken for granted. They were written according to specific andcontradictory purposes.He adds that Paul’s followers fought against Christianityof jewish origins for about 140 years before they won the battle. In the periodbetween 70 AC and110AC the four gospels were written and became known as theBible of the Christian Religion. Those who wrote it cannot be called Apostles. Itwas proven that they were not contemporary to Jesus Christ. Besides, in hisbook (The New Testament), Professor Culman asserts that the writers of the fourgospels were no more than spokesman of the primitive Christian community’s earcirculated customs. On the other hand, The Vatican ‘s Office (Vatican Church)incites as usual on the belief that the four gospels are the only one reliablesource .They list the Jesus’ great favors for humankind’s eternal happiness from the day he was born tillthe day he lift up to heavens.
This makesit clear that the disagreement between the Vatican State and the Christianpastors, is aggravating .The latter assert that the four gospels are a group oftexts which lift all Christian sects and churches needs. They convey the writers’thoughts and the news that reached them by means of audible recital.
These arebrief summaries of the four gospels as follow:
_Mathieu’s Gospel is first-classed among the fourgospels of The New Testament, a continuance of the books of the Old Testament. Thisgospel maintains that Jesus only came to spread and extend the history of thepeople of, Israel which was evidently maintained by Mathieu in the book ”EcumenicalTranslation of The Bible”. Accordingly, Mathieu’s bible has a lot of quotationsfrom “the Old Testament “known for muslims as “Alaatika”. The Gospel of Mathieu, the writer tried toapprove that Jesus acted as if he is The Messiah, Jews were waiting for. He startedby giving the lineage of Jesus tracing it back to Abraham via David. The authortalks ,then, about the laws of the Jewish faith like prayers, fasting , anddispensing charity(zakat).Tricot says ,in this concern ”Beneath its grab, theflesh and bones of this book are Jewish, and so it is its spirit”. O. Culmanmaintained that ”This community wastrying to break away from Judaism ,while at the same time preserving thecontinuity of the old testament. The main preoccupations and the general tenorof this gospel point toward a strained situation”. The doctor “MauriceBucaille” said that the political factors are not strange to Mathieu’s gospelwriting. The roman occupation of Palestine naturally heighted the desire of thejews to see themselves liberated. He asserts that Mathieu is not acknowledgedto be one of Jesus companions. A Tricot, nevertheless, presents him as suchin his commentary to the OldTestament(1960).Mathieu is “jewish writing for people speak Greek, butnevertheless know jewish customs and the Aramaic language, A Tricot, the Gospelof Mathieu, on the other hand, is the shortest of the four gospels and the oldest.It is not a book written by an apostle who is contemporary to Jesus. He shouldhave been traveled with Piers (Pierre) to Rome as a companion (disciple) .He had written hisbook”Apostle’s Disciple” by 70 AC. It was confirmed by senior church’sclergymen that the conclusion to the bible is not his .It is a counterfeiter.
_The third gospel is Luck’s. Almost it is acollection of stories by which Luck is maintaining the tradition concerned withthe history of Jesus Christ’s life and all that happened to him. Christianpastors ( consultants) affirm that Luck took, as a reference, the gospels ofMathieu and Mark and wrote his in 80 AC. He lived the era when Jerusalem wasblockaded and distracted by Titus‘s army in 70 AC. Besides , John’s Gospel istotally different from the first three gospels in style, content, narrative,and religious teachings. John had written the Gospel by the end of the firstcentury of the Christian epoch. Many other texts were added by John’s followersamong these is chapter 21.Moreover, many parts had been changed or replacedwhich caused much hustle and bustle about the authenticity of the fourthgospels and their references .John ,Mark, and Luck differed in the period thatJesus passed to convey his holy message .John took more than three years tofinish writing and for the rest it took no more than a year. This causedperturbation for Christians .Therefore, Christian pastors fetched for manypoints of similarity and difference between the four gospels. They are asfollow:
-Thenumber of verses agreed upon between the four gospels is 330.
- Thenumber of verses agreed upon between Mark and Mathieu is 178.
- Thenumber of verses agreed upon between Mark and Luck is 230.
- Thenumber of verses specific to Mathieu is 330.
- Thenumber of verses specific to Mark is 53.
- The number ofverses specific to Luck is 500.
This was the results of the latest researchesof prodigious churches scholars about the main references adopted by the fourgospels.These references are a collection of books titled by eastern andwestern churches as “the New Testament”,and considered by Christians as a HolyBook.
Symbols reference: 1: A.B.C.D these are essential anonymousreferences for the four gospels.
2: The first writingstages (phases), the extensions and the erasures
3: The books agreed upon by church councilswhich exist until today.
Evidently Imaintain that the book agreed upon by Christians as the Holy Book is not thesame as the one revealed by Allah to Jesus, son of Maryam. It was assured inthe Holy Quran. In the Name of the Most Merciful:” These verses confirm thatAllah has sent down to Jesus only one gospel, which denies the Jews and Christian’sallegations. This was sustained by Maurice Bucaille following statement:”thepresence of the word ”Holy Spirit” in the text we have today reveals that thesubsequent additions occurred in a complete voluntary way. This modificationwas intended to change the meaning which announces the arrival of a prophetafter Jesus, which comes at odds with the teachings of the emerging Christian churches.They wished that Jesus was the last prophet. Allah, the Greatest said:” Then in their wake, We followed them upwith (others of) Our messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, andbestowed on him the Gospel
.This text is of my own translation. Thus, Iconclude that “Alberklit” is but Ahmed and I notice that it is the reason whyThe Spanish priest converted to islam. Also, I perceive (behold) that MauriceBucaille, too converted to Islam before his death. I received this news from anIslamic pastor who is his one of his close friends.
I thank Him, his Almighty, the Greatest,and the Most Merciful. I thank God a lot, good and blessed thanks, the way thatsatisfies and pleases Him for he guided me to Islam.Thank You Allah for Youmade me member of Prophet Mohamed’s people,.
The Holy Quran is the only one celestialbook that stood still against the devils of mankind and Jinn. It abode in theway it came down by the angel Gabriel to the Last Prophet Mohamed, peace andblessing be upon him. Allah the Greatest said ”Had Allah willed, he would have made you a single community ofpeople, but he did not. So that, He may test you in what He has given you.Strive ,then, to excel each other in good deeds.To Allah is the return for allof you.Then Allah shall tell you about that in which you disputed.”(Almaida 48) .And Allah said about Jews and Christians in souratAttawba ”they have takentheir priests and their monks for their lords besides God and also the Messiah,son of Maryam.Whereas ,they are commended not but to worship the One God. NoGod is there but He. Hollowed He from that which they associate.They seek toextinguish the light of Allah with their mouths detest”He ,it is ,who had sentHis messenger with the guidance of the true religion that He may make prevailover all religion although the associates may detest.”(AbdulDaribali’s translation).
The Merciful said in sourat Albaina” Nor did the people of the book make schism until after therecame to them clear evidence” and they have been commanded no more than this;toworship Allah,offering Him sincere devotion,being true (in faith) ,to establishregular prayer, and to practice regular charity.And that is thereligion,regular and straight. Those whoreject(truth) among the people of the Book and among the polytheists ,will be in hellfire,to dwell therein .Theyare the worst creatures.Those who have faith and do righteous deeds-they arethe best creatures-they are the best creatures.Their reword is withAllah,gardens of eternity beneath which rivers flow,they will dwell in thereinforever.Allah ,well-pleased with them,and they with Him.All this for such asfear their lord and cherisher .”
And in sourat (Annissa) He said:”O people of the Book commit no excesses in your religion, norsay of Allah anything but truth. Jesus Christ, the son of Maryam was no morethan a messenger of Allah and His word which he bestowed on Mary and hismessengers. Say not”Trinity”, desist it will be better for you .For Allah is One Allah , Glorybe to Him for exalted he is above having a son. To Him belong all things inHeavens and Earth. And enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs. Christ disdainsnot to worship Allah nor do the angels nearest ( to him) .”
However, the people going astray, thedeceitful ones were getting more and more polytheists and disbelievers. Theyfilled the planet with churches wherein crosses, statutes, and pictures ofpriests and monks were worshiped .They are worshiped by means of deceit andcorruption and in order to obliterate the fundamental and basic truth. I meanthe truth of monotheism, that there is no God but Allah, which was witnessed(avowed) by all creatures except the Christians and their partners.
“ There is no God but Allah “ By which Iworship God.
“ There is noGod but Allah “ by which my soulnurture.
“ There is noGod but Allah “ by which my life gets easy.
“ There is no God but Allah “ by which I rest in peace in my grave.
Allah said insurat (Yuness) :”Behold,surely on the friends of Allah,there is no fear ,norshall they grieve,those who believe and constantly guard against evil.For themare glad tidings,in the present life and in the hereafter,no change can therebe in the words of Allah.This is indeed,the Supreme Felicity”.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, theHearer, the Viewer, the Sage, Who knows and owns everything.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, Youpurified Jesus from worshiping priests and monks.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, We ask Youvictory over folks of disbelief, polytheism ,and tyranny.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, make ussurvive from all the vines and help us withstand juggernaut.
O God, Youare the peace and the peace is from You. You deserve Glory and Honor. Make usenter Your Paradise in peace, O Your Almighty, the Glorious and the Honored.
“Gloryto Your Lord, Lord of Honor and Power.(He is free) from what they ascribe toHim.And peace on the messengers andpraise to Allah , The Lord and Cherisher of the worlds”(Surat Assafet)
I have finished this research on JesusChrist’s life story by the years 1995/2005 and thank God for that.
· ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TheReferences:
Tidinessand cleanness was no longer a have to do before worshiping as Jesus Christ usedto do.Many sects had been formed as long as distortions and erroneous beliefs spread.It had reached eighty sects by the time of Ibn Alkai(eighth century AH).Theydeviated to many other sects. They differed, argued, and cursed each other.Therefore the archbishop and patriarch of Constantine gathered all thepatriarchs(worldwide) ,about 318 and said to them”You are nowadays the honoredChristian pastors,so let you have an agreement to which we all have pledgeto.No one can betray it and if he does, he will be cursed and denied fortune”After a very long discussion they too the pledge.This was set in Nickia in the15th year of Constantine’sruling.The head of the debutee, the patriarch” Alexandros” was given the pledgeto which every Christian should confess .No oblation would be accepted if theywould have not done so.Here is the full text transcribed by Sheikh Ibn Alkaimfrom his book(Row of Jewels) “we believe in the one God,The Father, the Worlds king ,The Creator of what he sees and don’tsee.And we believe in the One Lord,the son of God ( there is a differencebetween God and Lord), the first born of all creatures and still not created. Atrue lord from a true Godwho perfectly created everything.O people; He camedown from heaven to save us in the form of a Holy Spirit. A human on earth,Mary got pregnant of his son. Then He was crucified, killed and laid down inpeace to lift up to God in the end of the third day.He is ready to come one dayto judge the dead and the alive. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit ofthe truth who came out of his father, spirit of love,one baptism forforgiveness,and one saints group.We believe in the resurrection of our bodiesthat will grant us eternal life” This pledge is the essence of the doctrinecomposed by Shamaoun as mentioned by pastor Abdulah Ibn Abdulah which I transcribed from his book.This indicates thecorrespondence between these references. That is to say Sais Ibn Patriarch (Patriarchof Alexandria) is from Egypt,Abdulah Ibn Abdulah is from spain,and i am fromsahara , but we all talk about the same subject. Another assembly was gatheredin Jerusalem to which many Christians attended.And in Costantinople,about 150patriarchs met to decide on the following “The Holy Spirit is the creator ,notcreated,true god,The Father and the Son are a sole unit.”They added to thefirst pledge following :”we believe in the Holy Spirit the God who gives lifeand takes it,the One who came out of the Father ,and he is united in trinitywith the Father and the Son.He is alive and glorified “.Unlike in the first pledge where in theysay “we believe in the One Holy Spirit”.The priests in these meetings separated ,differed ,and cursed theirbishops and patriarchs. Another assembly was gathered headed by” Nostoross” thepatriarch of Constantinople and many Christians followed his doctrine. Theybelieve that Jesus ,the God is not like any other child born.There is a unionbetween the God who is born from the Father and the other who is the human whois born from Mary.There is no biological fatherhood of the Father God to hisSon.It is only a gift of honor and an endowment .Patriarchs all over thecountry had heard about the news of Nostoross’s new doctrine.So they met inanother assembly and declared the later heresy and rectified it. They set theirdoctrine which says that Mary gave birth to the Lord called Jesus, a two- naturedhuman.The series of fight and dispute did not end,because this new doctrine hadnot put up with the doctrine of the patriarch of Antakia.He set a fight againstthe patriarch (Nostoros),but a reconciliation between them was set by the King.At the end ,they wrote a book of agreement in which they declare that Marygave birth to a lord ,Jesus Christ , the Lord ,is with God in divinity and withpeople in humanity.This did not last for much time ,when a Monk in Costantinople”Otiuos” called for a fifth meeting with the attribution of the patriarch ofAlexandria to decide on the following:Jesus’s body does not live with us on humanity.Before incarnation he was composed of two units and after that he became a soleunit..People specialy in Egypt followed “Otiuos’s doctrine. However, yearslater they separated, cursed, and declared it heresy .Then it was in theirsecond compound which was attended by six hundred and thirty bishops,that theydecided that Jesus is both a God and a human being. He is with God in divinityand with us in humanity, perfect in both divinity and humanity.
He isthe one Holy Jesus.So they proved right the first pledge: the Holy Spirit is a God;it constitutes a sole unity with the Father, all in a trinity. Also, they tookin consideration the 3rdpledge. That Mary gave birth to JesusChrist who is with God in divinity and with humans in humanity. A slangingmatch between them and Nostross and appeared the declaration of the seventhassembly in opposition to the sixth one. It was set by the King of Alexandria (Antesstass). His army shed much blood and many bishops,patriarchs ,and monks were killed. They had another assembly in Constantinopleattended by many local patriarchs and bishops ,in which they cursed those who precededthem who believe in cloning ,no doomsday and no resurrection. Those who believethat Jesus’ body is only a fathom .They falsified this doctrine and put backthe pledge of the first assembly. That Jesus is of a real human body nature.Heis a perfect God and perfect man with two natures, two fates ,and two deeds .Thatlife is transient , resurrection is doomed
AndMessiah (Jesus) is coming with a Great glory.He will judge the alive and thedead”. Almost the same as the first pledge.In the reign of Muawia IbnSufiane,Headedby the patriarchs of Antakia and Constantinople in which therewas much ins and outs and mutual slanging.However they decided on the following:” we believe that Jesus Christ is the only one son of God and his eternalword( speech).He is of equal status with the lord. God in essence .That isJesus Christ has two natures, two works, and two fates all united in oneperson,one face. Perfectboth in his divinity and humanity. We believe that God the Son had settled inMary’s body as reasoning and speaking human spirit. Done by God’s blessing onhis people. He did not live in social and moral corruption like others. A soleunity that does what humans do in humanity and what gods do in divinity..He isthe only son, the embodied eternal word which was incarnated into human fleshand blood as was told in the Holy Bible. God’s word Jesus is composed of two works(missions),two fates ,and two natures; divine and human. In this duality, thereis no place for difference, separation or struggle.The two of them worktogether in harmony and union.”.This is the ninth pledge of the ninth assemblyin which there was,as usual , rejection and falsification of the previous onesand mutual slanging . Sheikh Ibnal-Qayyim said, quoting his mentor Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: These are themost famous assemblies which were attended by more than14000 patriarchs and priests,who kept cursing each other,uttering erroneous allegations and remained inchaos.In The Name of the Most Merciful :” Say: "O people of the Book! Exceed not in yourreligion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, norfollow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by―who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even Way”.
If you askmembers of one family about their belief there would be multiple responses.Sheikh Ibn Alkaim noticed the two major faults made by Christians reasonablyunacceptable:
_They put thecreated human in an exaggerated (amplificated) and equal status with Allah (God).Moreover,they declared Jesus Christ God along with Allah.Totally rejecting the truththat Jesus is no more than God’s servant.
_They minimized the Greatest Allah’s Status andcursed him when saying that:”God came down from his throneand enters a woman’spenus and stayed there 9 months swinging in between blood and veins ,and suffered a lot in this body.Then he came out a babyboy,sucking his mother’sbreasts,He then grew up ,crying, getting hungry and thirsty, evacuating , andcarried in hands and on necks.Jews slapped ,chained and crucified him.Then puton his head a crown of thorn .This was,but an unacceptable defame of Allah,that has no precedent. In sourat Maryam(90)God said” At it the skiesare ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall downin utter ruin.. This erroneous allegations are the result of acorrupt and abusive doctrine: They heldout falsely that messengers ( fromAdam to Jesus) spirits were in heavens, imprisoned by Ibliss(the devil) .Theywere punished and put in hellfire because of Adam’s first sin .Wheneversomebody dies ,Ibliss puts himin hell to pay back his father’s sin.Therefore,Allah(God) made a trick for Ibliss and Rescued them.He came down from histhrone,entered Mary’s womb.Then he was born, grew up as a perfect man to save his messengers from paying back theirfather’s sin by letting Jews avenge for themselves and crucifying him . ” but they killedhim not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear” quran ;ch.4: the women ”
Surely thisis not true,but complete heresy.T he only One Preemptor in the Day of Judgmentis the Holy Prophet Muhamed(peace and mercy be upon him).Their delusions are dubioustricks They madea dubious trick to convert people to Christianity .That is whoever human beingwho doubts or denies Jesus salvation would be locked in prison till he admitsit.God,according to them,was not fair when repenting Adams sin at the expenseof his messengers ,prophets ,and hisbeloved ones.Omar IbnAlkhattab declaredthat this was an allegation that had no precedent ever . Righteous pastors inislam said that Jihad against these Christians leading people to astray, reasonably is a duty in islam.I wonderif Ibn Taima ,Ibn Alkaim, Ibn Hazm ,andIbn Kutheir lived in this time and witnessed what did George Bush, the jerk ,his maidservant ,and their army do to Quran and the Islamic sanctities in theprisons of Afganistan,Cuba,and Irak.I wonder what will they(pastors of islam)do to resist what had the Christians permitted, like homosexuality.It hasreached the point thet the European Union imposed on Turkey to give up theIslamic doctrine(Sharia) and to allow and to allow the above atrocities.
Christianity had reached the havoc ofdelusion and deception.
· They took the sunrise as the direction ofprayer unlike their prophet Jesus(Issa) who used to pray to Jerusalem as usedto do previous messengers. Muhamed ,the prophet,peace and blessing be uponhim,used to pray to Jerusalem, when he was living in Mekka and after hismigration of about 18 months. Then Allah ordered him trend to the mid of theHoly Sacred Mosque,where Abraham used to do prayers.
· They made heresy by glorifying thecrucifix(cross) and triangulation,a long time after Jesus Christ the Cross wasnot mentioned in the Bible at all.In the Torah, it was declared that he who wasattached to the Cross would be cursed.Christian even went further thanattachment ,they worshiped the Cross.
· They made fasting for apostles , fasting forMary ,fasting for Mary Gergess ,fasting for Christmas and fasting for the kingHercules.They added a week to the Lent( they fast to repent Hercules for beingnot faithful to the testament with the Jews and killing them).They changed thefasting to autumn and added 10 days.However,their fasting is stillincomparable with Ramadan ,the HolyFasting Months in islam” O you who believe! Fasting isprescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may (learn)self-restraint.”(sourat Albakara-183).Fasting in islam is anobligation(faritha), no mater how long the day is how cold ,hot…….
· They lied to Jesus when they say that Jesus after getting crucified ,he had been entombedfor three days and then he came out a divine god.However there is no one christain who denies thisfalsehood.Sarcastically, Ibn Alkaim was wondering ,how was the world and theheavens at that time? And who was managing them? If there is someone who wasdoing so then who was he? O cockiness what grave that would contain HisAlmighty,The God of the earth and heavens ?
Ibn Alkaim addressed them these verses:
O servants of Jesus we have an inquiry foryou!!?
Could the earth and heavens stay withoutGod?
Did the seven skies remain void?
And did Jesus return alive?
And vainly I ask how would His Almighty belocked in a grave?
What allusions did they proclaim to Allah?
From a wise man we want a reply.
He was killed then how could he be God?
The Hearer Who to his servants responds?
How would His Greatness be entombed undersoil?
Or besides,does the Resuscitator have alord?
Elated as I am,how could they say that lordwas carried in a womb?
All will be inquired about the lies theyproclaim to God.
All will be inquired about the lies theyproclaim to God.
A more comprehensive details aboutthe Christianity’s history, I borrowed from MERTON PERCY’s book(TheBible)” Teabingcleared his throat and declared, "The Bible did not arrive by fax fromheaven. "The Bible is a product of man, my dear. Not of God. TheBible did not fall magically from the clouds. Man created it as a historicalrecord of tumultuous times, and it has evolved through countless translations,additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of thebook. Jesus Christ was a historical figure ofstaggering influence, perhaps the most enigmatic and inspirational leader theworld has ever seen. As the prophesied Messiah, Jesus toppled kings, inspiredmillions, and founded new philosophies. As a descendant of the lines of KingSolomon and King David, Jesus possessed a rightful claim to the throne of theKing of the Jews. Understandably, His life was recorded by thousands offollowers across the land." Teabing paused to sip his tea and then placedthe cup back on the mantel. "More than eighty gospels were considered forthe New Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion -Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John among them. The fundamental irony of Christianity!The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman emperorConstantine the Great. "He was a lifelong pagan who was baptized on hisdeathbed, too weak to protest. In Constantine's day, Rome's official religionwas sun worship - the cult of Sol Invictus, or the Invincible Sun - andConstantine was its head priest. Unfortunately for him, a growing religiousturmoil was gripping Rome. Three centuries after the crucifixion of JesusChrist, Christ's followers had multiplied exponentially. Christians and pagansbegan warring, and the conflict grew to such proportions that it threatened torend Rome in two. Constantine decided something had to be done. In 325 A.D., hedecided to unify Rome under a single religion. Christianity By fusing pagan symbols, dates, andrituals into the growing Christian tradition, he created a kind of hybridreligion that was acceptable to both parties. Transmogrification," Langdonsaid. "The vestiges of pagan religion in Christian symbology are undeniable.Egyptian sun disks became the halos of Catholic saints. Pictograms of Isisnursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint for ourmodern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus. And virtually all theelements of the Catholic ritual - the miter, the altar, the doxology, andcommunion, the act of "God-eating" - were taken directly from earlierpagan mystery religions Nothingin Christianity is original. The pre-Christian God Mithras - called the Son ofGod and the Light of the World - was born on December 25, died was buried in arock tomb, and then resurrected in three days. By the way, December 25 is alsothe birthday or Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus. The newborn Krishna was presentedwith gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Even Christianity's weekly holy day wasstolen from the pagans
"Transmogrification,"Langdon said. "The vestiges of pagan religion in Christian symbology areundeniable. Egyptian sun disks became the halos of Catholic saints. Pictogramsof Isis nursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint forour modern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus. And virtually all theelements of the Catholic ritual - the miter, the altar, the doxology, andcommunion, the act of "God-eating" - were taken directly from earlierpagan mystery religions. Nothing in Christianity is original. The pre-ChristianGod Mithras - called the Son of God and the Light of the World - was born onDecember 25, died was buried in a rock tomb, and then resurrected in threedays. By the way, December 25 is also the birthday or Osiris, Adonis, andDionysus. The newborn Krishna was presented with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.Even Christianity's weekly holy day was stolen from the pagans."Originally," Langdon said, "Christianity honored the JewishSabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan'sveneration day of the sun. To this day, most churchgoers attend services onSunday morning with no idea that they are there on account of the pagan sungod's weekly tribute - Sunday. Indeed," Teabing said. Stay with me. Duringthis fusion of religions, Constantine needed to strengthen the new Christiantradition, and held a famous ecumenical gathering known as the Council ofNicaea. many aspects of Christianity were debated and voted upon - the date ofEaster, the role of the bishops, the administration of sacraments, and, ofcourse, the divinity of Jesus. until that moment in history, Jesus was viewedby His followers as a mortal prophet . . . a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A mortal. Jesus' establishment as 'the Son of God' was officially proposedand voted on by the Council of Nicaea. Jesus was indeed a great and powerfulman. Constantine's underhanded political maneuvers don't diminish the majestyof Christ's life.”
Jesus was purifiedfrom the Christian allegations and delusions,25 times in The Quran. The atrocities implicated by the Christians churches arecrimes against the Almighty Creator and aginst all human beings . The worst deviation,ever made by Christians is the deification of Jesus about three hundred yearsAC . hundreds of Christian churches burned all the reference texts that talkabout the human nature of God's prophet Jesus son of Mary . Fortunately, somecensored Bibles from were kept. In 1945,Haj Hammadi found the manuscript «theCoptic scrolls” . In 1947 , the Dead Sea Scrolls was discovered in the cave" “Qumran "in Sinai desert .Their main subject is the human nature toGod's prophet Jesus . The Vatican usedhis power all over the world to conceal the Truth contained in those Bibles andcensored them. On the other hand, Quran has made it crystal clear the wholestory about Jesus, and we (Muslims) admit his human nature and that he is butGod’s servant. And God warned us a lot about these lies and delusions.
" In bref, theywere extremely manipulated by Ibliss the damned devil. He invited them and theyjoined him.
_Hemanipulated their belief on his deity, the Most Merciful,The Greatest.
_Hemanipulated them about Jesus (Messiah) peace be upon him.
_Hemanipulated them about the crucifix and made them worship it.
_ He made them paint and worship picturesand worship them .For in every church, there must be a picture of Mary andJesus.
_Theywere so juggled to set festivals according to their own will. Alexandreous, thepatriarch of Alexandria , set them the day of “Michael” instead of the festivalof Saturn which the Queen Kleopatra used to celebrate. So that he removed themfrom a kind of polytheism to another. They are the ones who set cross’s day aswell. It was declared by Said ,the sonof Alexandria’s patriarch in his book “Christian History” ,that a three hundred and eighty years-period isbetween Jesus ‘s birth and the cross’s appearance.
_ He manipulated them about the prayersthey bid to God without being purified, clean. The Christian pastors, priests,monks and bishops did make erroneous falsehood to which Allah addressed theseverses in Quran (Maryam_90/95)
_Ihonestly and sincerely address to all Christians, to free themselves from theirbishops and priests delusions and I advise them to convert to Islam. They haveto reject polytheism and the falsehood by which all the Coptic, the orthodoxychurches (both eastern and western churches).It is for their own sake, thatthey should say:” I believe that there is no God but Allah and his messengerMuhamed, peace and mercy be upon him”. They have to purify Jesus, the prophet,from deification and apotheosis and consider him as God’s servant and a word.No one but Allah, the most merciful who guided us to Islam. In the Name of TheMost Merciful”. You (Christians) have to know that charitable work (helping andbeing kind the poor, saving those in need, taking care of the disabled, andcuring the sick persons……..)is not enough to grant you the license to enterparadise. The latter can only be reached when these deeds combine with thebelief there is no god but Allah, the Only One God, who did not beget and wasnot begotten. And the belief in his Holy Books, his angels, his messengers, thedoomsday, and in fate both its best and evil moments. Faith alone cannot beuseful and does not deservedly yield to paradise. That is faith and righteousdeeds are correlative and interrelated. The most Merciful, His Almighty, said:” Say: "Shall we tell you of those wholose most in respect of their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted inthis life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works? Theyare those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meetHim (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We on the Day ofJudgment, give them any Weight. That is their reward, Hell; because theyrejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest.”
Briefly, I summarize the erroneous allegationspropagated by eastern and western churches in the epoch. Nowadays, the currentgospels arouse many contradictions ,perturbation, and scandals among Christianexperts. This was admitted by the pastors(experts,scholars)of western churches.The general public of Christians is only allowed chosen paragraphs(verses)fromthe gospels. They cannot have access to all gospels’ content, for these bookshad been distorted and argued about according to the aims of the EuropeanExpansionary Policy all over the world. Researchers studying The Holy Booksemphasized that the gospels must not be taken seriously because they are all distorted.Neither Mathieu nor John talked about Jesus Christ’s lift up to the sky(heavens). However Luck held that the lift up will happen in the day ofresurrection .Meanwhile, Mark had a small note in his book (The Acts ofApostles) which was revealed not written by Mark. Instead, it was added later.Therefore, in order to make a general agreement a well known churchman (priestRoguet) suggested in his book ( The Evangelic Initiation/1973), that suchissues cannot be understood only when all the religious concepts are put out.Then the real facts should be taken literally as they are. He admitted that.Then the real facts should be taken literally as they are. Priest” Roguet”admitted that there is many lift-up cases which have not been grasped tillnowadays. Another researcher affirmed that the focus on the changes and theaddition done in the original gospels should not make us perturbated (surprised)about their contradictions and lack of agreement on key issues concerning theessence of the Christian doctrine. He adds that these different bibles were notsent by God (Allah) like Quran. “Kanengeisser”,a professor in The High CatholicInstitute in Paris assured in his book(Faith in Resurrection) that eventsnarrated about Jesus in the gospels should not be taken for granted. They were written according to specific andcontradictory purposes.He adds that Paul’s followers fought against Christianityof jewish origins for about 140 years before they won the battle. In the periodbetween 70 AC and110AC the four gospels were written and became known as theBible of the Christian Religion. Those who wrote it cannot be called Apostles. Itwas proven that they were not contemporary to Jesus Christ. Besides, in hisbook (The New Testament), Professor Culman asserts that the writers of the fourgospels were no more than spokesman of the primitive Christian community’s earcirculated customs. On the other hand, The Vatican ‘s Office (Vatican Church)incites as usual on the belief that the four gospels are the only one reliablesource .They list the Jesus’ great favors for humankind’s eternal happiness from the day he was born tillthe day he lift up to heavens.
This makesit clear that the disagreement between the Vatican State and the Christianpastors, is aggravating .The latter assert that the four gospels are a group oftexts which lift all Christian sects and churches needs. They convey the writers’thoughts and the news that reached them by means of audible recital.
These arebrief summaries of the four gospels as follow:
_Mathieu’s Gospel is first-classed among the fourgospels of The New Testament, a continuance of the books of the Old Testament. Thisgospel maintains that Jesus only came to spread and extend the history of thepeople of, Israel which was evidently maintained by Mathieu in the book ”EcumenicalTranslation of The Bible”. Accordingly, Mathieu’s bible has a lot of quotationsfrom “the Old Testament “known for muslims as “Alaatika”. The Gospel of Mathieu, the writer tried toapprove that Jesus acted as if he is The Messiah, Jews were waiting for. He startedby giving the lineage of Jesus tracing it back to Abraham via David. The authortalks ,then, about the laws of the Jewish faith like prayers, fasting , anddispensing charity(zakat).Tricot says ,in this concern ”Beneath its grab, theflesh and bones of this book are Jewish, and so it is its spirit”. O. Culmanmaintained that ”This community wastrying to break away from Judaism ,while at the same time preserving thecontinuity of the old testament. The main preoccupations and the general tenorof this gospel point toward a strained situation”. The doctor “MauriceBucaille” said that the political factors are not strange to Mathieu’s gospelwriting. The roman occupation of Palestine naturally heighted the desire of thejews to see themselves liberated. He asserts that Mathieu is not acknowledgedto be one of Jesus companions. A Tricot, nevertheless, presents him as suchin his commentary to the OldTestament(1960).Mathieu is “jewish writing for people speak Greek, butnevertheless know jewish customs and the Aramaic language, A Tricot, the Gospelof Mathieu, on the other hand, is the shortest of the four gospels and the oldest.It is not a book written by an apostle who is contemporary to Jesus. He shouldhave been traveled with Piers (Pierre) to Rome as a companion (disciple) .He had written hisbook”Apostle’s Disciple” by 70 AC. It was confirmed by senior church’sclergymen that the conclusion to the bible is not his .It is a counterfeiter.
_The third gospel is Luck’s. Almost it is acollection of stories by which Luck is maintaining the tradition concerned withthe history of Jesus Christ’s life and all that happened to him. Christianpastors ( consultants) affirm that Luck took, as a reference, the gospels ofMathieu and Mark and wrote his in 80 AC. He lived the era when Jerusalem wasblockaded and distracted by Titus‘s army in 70 AC. Besides , John’s Gospel istotally different from the first three gospels in style, content, narrative,and religious teachings. John had written the Gospel by the end of the firstcentury of the Christian epoch. Many other texts were added by John’s followersamong these is chapter 21.Moreover, many parts had been changed or replacedwhich caused much hustle and bustle about the authenticity of the fourthgospels and their references .John ,Mark, and Luck differed in the period thatJesus passed to convey his holy message .John took more than three years tofinish writing and for the rest it took no more than a year. This causedperturbation for Christians .Therefore, Christian pastors fetched for manypoints of similarity and difference between the four gospels. They are asfollow:
-Thenumber of verses agreed upon between the four gospels is 330.
- Thenumber of verses agreed upon between Mark and Mathieu is 178.
- Thenumber of verses agreed upon between Mark and Luck is 230.
- Thenumber of verses specific to Mathieu is 330.
- Thenumber of verses specific to Mark is 53.
- The number ofverses specific to Luck is 500.
This was the results of the latest researchesof prodigious churches scholars about the main references adopted by the fourgospels.These references are a collection of books titled by eastern andwestern churches as “the New Testament”,and considered by Christians as a HolyBook.
Symbols reference: 1: A.B.C.D these are essential anonymousreferences for the four gospels.
2: The first writingstages (phases), the extensions and the erasures
3: The books agreed upon by church councilswhich exist until today.
Evidently Imaintain that the book agreed upon by Christians as the Holy Book is not thesame as the one revealed by Allah to Jesus, son of Maryam. It was assured inthe Holy Quran. In the Name of the Most Merciful:” These verses confirm thatAllah has sent down to Jesus only one gospel, which denies the Jews and Christian’sallegations. This was sustained by Maurice Bucaille following statement:”thepresence of the word ”Holy Spirit” in the text we have today reveals that thesubsequent additions occurred in a complete voluntary way. This modificationwas intended to change the meaning which announces the arrival of a prophetafter Jesus, which comes at odds with the teachings of the emerging Christian churches.They wished that Jesus was the last prophet. Allah, the Greatest said:” Then in their wake, We followed them upwith (others of) Our messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, andbestowed on him the Gospel
.This text is of my own translation. Thus, Iconclude that “Alberklit” is but Ahmed and I notice that it is the reason whyThe Spanish priest converted to islam. Also, I perceive (behold) that MauriceBucaille, too converted to Islam before his death. I received this news from anIslamic pastor who is his one of his close friends.
I thank Him, his Almighty, the Greatest,and the Most Merciful. I thank God a lot, good and blessed thanks, the way thatsatisfies and pleases Him for he guided me to Islam.Thank You Allah for Youmade me member of Prophet Mohamed’s people,.
The Holy Quran is the only one celestialbook that stood still against the devils of mankind and Jinn. It abode in theway it came down by the angel Gabriel to the Last Prophet Mohamed, peace andblessing be upon him. Allah the Greatest said ”Had Allah willed, he would have made you a single community ofpeople, but he did not. So that, He may test you in what He has given you.Strive ,then, to excel each other in good deeds.To Allah is the return for allof you.Then Allah shall tell you about that in which you disputed.”(Almaida 48) .And Allah said about Jews and Christians in souratAttawba ”they have takentheir priests and their monks for their lords besides God and also the Messiah,son of Maryam.Whereas ,they are commended not but to worship the One God. NoGod is there but He. Hollowed He from that which they associate.They seek toextinguish the light of Allah with their mouths detest”He ,it is ,who had sentHis messenger with the guidance of the true religion that He may make prevailover all religion although the associates may detest.”(AbdulDaribali’s translation).
The Merciful said in sourat Albaina” Nor did the people of the book make schism until after therecame to them clear evidence” and they have been commanded no more than this;toworship Allah,offering Him sincere devotion,being true (in faith) ,to establishregular prayer, and to practice regular charity.And that is thereligion,regular and straight. Those whoreject(truth) among the people of the Book and among the polytheists ,will be in hellfire,to dwell therein .Theyare the worst creatures.Those who have faith and do righteous deeds-they arethe best creatures-they are the best creatures.Their reword is withAllah,gardens of eternity beneath which rivers flow,they will dwell in thereinforever.Allah ,well-pleased with them,and they with Him.All this for such asfear their lord and cherisher .”
And in sourat (Annissa) He said:”O people of the Book commit no excesses in your religion, norsay of Allah anything but truth. Jesus Christ, the son of Maryam was no morethan a messenger of Allah and His word which he bestowed on Mary and hismessengers. Say not”Trinity”, desist it will be better for you .For Allah is One Allah , Glorybe to Him for exalted he is above having a son. To Him belong all things inHeavens and Earth. And enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs. Christ disdainsnot to worship Allah nor do the angels nearest ( to him) .”
However, the people going astray, thedeceitful ones were getting more and more polytheists and disbelievers. Theyfilled the planet with churches wherein crosses, statutes, and pictures ofpriests and monks were worshiped .They are worshiped by means of deceit andcorruption and in order to obliterate the fundamental and basic truth. I meanthe truth of monotheism, that there is no God but Allah, which was witnessed(avowed) by all creatures except the Christians and their partners.
“ There is no God but Allah “ By which Iworship God.
“ There is noGod but Allah “ by which my soulnurture.
“ There is noGod but Allah “ by which my life gets easy.
“ There is no God but Allah “ by which I rest in peace in my grave.
Allah said insurat (Yuness) :”Behold,surely on the friends of Allah,there is no fear ,norshall they grieve,those who believe and constantly guard against evil.For themare glad tidings,in the present life and in the hereafter,no change can therebe in the words of Allah.This is indeed,the Supreme Felicity”.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, theHearer, the Viewer, the Sage, Who knows and owns everything.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, Youpurified Jesus from worshiping priests and monks.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, We ask Youvictory over folks of disbelief, polytheism ,and tyranny.
Glory to You Allah, no God but You, make ussurvive from all the vines and help us withstand juggernaut.
O God, Youare the peace and the peace is from You. You deserve Glory and Honor. Make usenter Your Paradise in peace, O Your Almighty, the Glorious and the Honored.
“Gloryto Your Lord, Lord of Honor and Power.(He is free) from what they ascribe toHim.And peace on the messengers andpraise to Allah , The Lord and Cherisher of the worlds”(Surat Assafet)
I have finished this research on JesusChrist’s life story by the years 1995/2005 and thank God for that.
- Thu Alkaida (1425 BM)/December 2006
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- Les Evangiles de Mathieu , Marc , Luc , et Jean
- Professor Martyn Percy : La Bible
- Professor Cullmann : Le Nouveau Testament
- Professor Dan Brown : La Symbologie . Les Parchemins Coptes. Les Actes des Apôtres :Marc
- Professor Roguet : Initiation à l’Evangile
- Professor Kanengiesser :Résurrection de la foi. Traduction ecumenique de la Bible.
- Docteur Maurice Bucaille :La Bible, Le Coran et La science.
- http/ albronziah/QuranExplorer/surat-/(Traslation of verses of quran)
- Holy Quran : Albakara-185- Yuness-Annissa 157-158-Alhadid26-Assafaet_6-Alkahf103-106-Alimran33-37-42-51-55-77-78-113-115-Maryam90-91-95-Almaida(48/72_76/77/116/115/114)-Atahrim11—131-Attawba31-32-33-Almmenun-91-92-118
- Sahih Bukhari
- Anneisaburi
- Ibn Kathir ’ Explanation
- Ibn Hazm
- Abdullah Ibn Abdullah the Spanish
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